Summer 2022:
Disarming Violence on a Path Toward Peace

This issue focuses on the history and present-day reality of US militarism, imperialism and settler colonialism here and overseas. In it, you’ll learn about the toxic legacies of our endless wars on people and the environment. You and learn how you can help “move the money” from the military to human needs. You’ll be inspired to take action locally and nationally.
Read individual articles online or download to help with local organizing.
In this issue:
Read individual articles online or download to help with local organizing.
In this issue:
- Disarming Violence on a Path Toward Peace
- Vision for a Feminist Peace, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, MADRE, and Women Cross DMZ
- War Industry Dominance, by Christian Sorensen
- Killer Robots: A Third Revolution in Warfare?, by Jody Williams
- How General Atomics Sold Us Drones, by Senator Chris Murphy
- Violent Insurrection, by Jim Tarbell
- Why Do Americans Love Guns?, by Pamela Haag
- Editorial, by Jim Tarbell
- Hands Across Borders as a Path Toward Peace, by Ingeborg Breines
- Moral Budget Over a War Budget, by Nancy Price
- Nuclear Weapons are Illegal/No to Imperialism, No to NATO, by Nancy Price
- US Military's Bootprint on the Climate Crisis, by Cindy Piester
- A Call to Action: Peace and Climate Activists Link Arms, by Marcy Winograd
- Disarming Violence on a Path Toward Peace: Groups
- Disarming Violence On a Path Toward Peace: Books
- Corporate Takeover of US Military and Foreign Policy, by Jim Tarbell
- The Anti-Imperialists: Mark Twain and Gen. Smedley Butler, by Norman Solomon
- The Militarization of Outer Space, by Karl Grossman
- Reimagining Policing Means Challenging Militarism, by Martin Hart-Landsberg
- The Movement that Ended the Vietnam War, by Jim Tarbell
- Why You Should Care, What You Can Do