Groups: Disarming Violence on a Path
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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) first came together more than 100 years ago, and still the world is haunted by the spectre of war. It sees patriarchy, militarism, and neoliberalism as three, interrelated causes that push us all towards more conflict. Their programs are driven by a feminist vision of peace. WILPF members come from all over the world to inspire each other and coordinate actions to eradicate the root causes of war. They promote socio-economic justice, gender equality and environmental justice as the true path toward peace. See more at
World Peace Council

The World Peace Council (WPC) is an anti-imperialist, democratic, independent and non-aligned international movement of mass action. It is an integral part of the world peace movement and acts in cooperation with other international and national movements. The WPC is the largest International Peace structure, based in more than 100 countries. The WPC works to: eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons; reduce conventional arms; dissolve military blocks; dismantle all military bases; and withdraw foreign troops. Get more information at
Veterans for Peace

Veterans For Peace struggles to end war in all its manifestations, both at home and abroad, in an all-encompassing demand for peace. They acknowledge the 500-year war on indigenous peoples, the ongoing war and racism against black and brown communities beginning with slavery, the long and ongoing history of racist immigration policies, economic war against the poor of all colors, and see the connection between violence and police militarization in the United States, and US wars abroad. For more information see
Black Alliance for Peace

Black Alliance for Peace seeks to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical black movement. It works to oppose both militarized domestic state repression, and the policies of destabilization, subversion and the permanent war agenda of the US globally. “No Compromise, No Retreat: Defeat the War Against African/Black People in the US and Abroad” is the key programmatic work of the Alliance. Check out for more information.
International Peace Bureau

The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Their program centers on Disarmament for Sustainable Development and focuses on the reallocation of military expenditures. They were the Nobel Peace Laureate in 1910, and over the years, 13 of their officers have been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. They take actions to create a nuclear-free Europe; work towards the prohibition of nuclear weapons; reduce spending public money and brainpower on militarism; and encourage a major shift in political and budgetary priorities toward the “green” economy. Their vision for human security is based on interdependence, and shared responsibility and “security with” rather than “security against” the other. See their website at
Code Pink

Code Pink is a women-led grassroots organization working to end US wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. Rooted in a network of local organizers, online supporters and generous donors, with an emphasis on joy and humor, their tactics include satire, street theatre, creative visuals, civil resistance, and directly challenging powerful decision-makers in government and corporations. And of course, wearing pink! You can learn more at
World Beyond War

World Beyond War (WBW) is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. WBW works to create a global security system supported by international law, diplomacy, collaboration, and human rights. It dispels myths, like “War is natural,” or “part of human culture,” and shows people that “War can be abolished.” They have chapters and affiliates around the world. They have online courses, webinars and an online book club. See more at
Peace in Ukraine

Peace in Ukraine is a coalition of international, national and local peace groups, including the Alliance for Democracy, that have come together to declare that,“The war in Ukraine is a disaster for the people of Ukraine and a terrible threat to us all.” They have petitions to sign, policy briefs for educating your elected officials, and a flyer to hand out. They are organizing international days calling for Peace in Ukraine. Check out their website for an event near you or host your own, and list it on their webpage.