Maine has a new law--LD725--that allows towns to regulate local food production as they wish, without requiring state and federal rules. While the focus on the show was on what the new law means for Maine farmers and food-buyers, the conversation also touched on national and international food freedom and food sovereignty movements.
Guests include local food ordinance organizer and farmer Heather Retberg, as well as Rep. Craig Hickman, a state representative who also helps run a local bed and breakfast, and Richard King, a goat farmer who helped pass a local food ordinance in his town of Liberty.
Jessie Dowling, of the Maine Cheese Guild, calls in with some criticisms of the new law, and good information about the supports that the Maine Department of Agriculture offers to small farmers and food producers, especially cheesemakers. Even though she's not a fan of LD725, her comments underscore that as far as local food infrastructure goes, Maine has a lot to build on.
The show is a very comprehensive look at what these ordinances do and don't do, the issues of liability, and the importance that people place on good healthy food.